Horse Race Selection Service Back & Lay Bets 25% Off 1st Month Trial Discount!

"I'm so confident you'll be 'quid’s in' with this, I'm putting my money where my mouth is..."

Seriously, unless you see it for yourself you won't believe it, but when you follow the simple steps in my new modified horse race 'hedging' system...

it's almost impossible NOT to make money!

But don’t take my word for it, let me PROVE it…



Hi Tony Langley here,

Before I tell you about this genuinely heavily discounted trial let me just ask you something…

Grab yourself a calculator and then tell me if you can divide this number, 300 … by 24?

How about this one … 460 ?

Or this … 582?

It’s not a trick question…

It’s just a simple calculation you can use to virtually GUARANTEE bucket loads of cash hitting your bank account each and every month from my new modified horse race ‘hedging’ system!

There’s nothing difficult about it.

In fact, I’ll ‘spill the beans’ in a minute but right now you’re probably thinking ‘what’s the catch?’

Well, I can honestly say there isn’t one!

That’s why I’m offering you a heavily discounted initial trial…

And by the way, don’t think for a second that I’m only offering part of the system to ‘lure’ you into buying the rest of it!

What I’m talking about is you trying EVERYTHING out, the complete simplified system…


Of course, you won’t be surprised to know why I’m doing this…

Obviously, I KNOW that if you follow my simple point and click instructions, you WILL make money, so once you’ve tried it, you’ll see how crazy you’d be not to continue with it!

Ok with that?

Good, because let’s face it…

Most money-making programmes DON’T deliver what they claim.

You know it, I know it!

Even if you follow some fancy strategy that promises you the earth…

Chances are, at best you’ll be lucky to even recoup the cost of what you pay for the system let alone make any decent cash!

Well today, forget all that, because you can literally PROVE this works without it breaking the bank!

You see, rather than over-promise and under-deliver with massively inflated claims…

I’m offering you the chance to ‘test drive’ an amazingly simple betting system that you can use to steadily make yourself a fantastic additional income…

… and all you have to do is follow an ‘idiot proof’ set of instructions that are sent to you by email (or Telegram messenger) once or twice a day!

Now at first this isn’t going to be an earth-shattering amount…

But on average it only takes a minute or two per day to lock in a tidy little £200 to £300 'extra' a month because there's actually very little to do, and this could EASILY build to £2,000 to £3,000 a month!!!

Picture this for a sec!!

You’re out and about enjoying a lazy day shopping with your ‘significant other’ or maybe just having a relaxing drink with friends in a local pub when you hear an alert beep on your mobile.

An email’s come in with simple instructions (I also use Telegram Messenger for alerts too) …

You then open an app on your phone, place a specific bet with the stake I recommend, close the app and get on with your day.

That’s it done.

The whole thing’s taken less than a minute, but the next time you check your trading account a little extra cash has been paid in.

Sometimes it might only be a fiver (it could even be as low as a couple of quid).

Others it could be £12.00.

Or it could just as easily be £65.00!!

Sure, hardly life-changing…

But the point is, if you do this most days…

You’ll be amazed at how quickly these smaller amounts add up and if at the end of the month that turns out to be an additional £214, £286 or even £302 for hardly any effort at all

… well, I don’t know about you but in my book that’s not bad for about an hour’s ‘work’ is it?

Of course, it’s not going to make you rich.

But it’s all tax-free and when you stop and think about it…

… that’s an extra £2,500 to £3,500+ a year which can go a hell of a long way towards the instalments on a pretty decent car or clear a big chunk off the mortgage payments!

The thing is…

Locking in profits like this is almost laughably easy.

What’s more, you can do it from anywhere.

Whether you’ve got your feet up with your laptop in the comfort of your own home…

Or you’re away enjoying a relaxing break with the family in some swanky hotel anywhere else in the world…

If you can get online, receive emails or alerts on your phone and carry out a few simple, quickly executed instructions…

You’ve literally got everything you need to secure yourself a nice, regular little income on the horses!

The EASIEST money you'll ever make without inheriting it!

It doesn’t stop there either.

As you read the rest of this letter, you’ll see that I’m also going to show you how you can use my new system to make as much as £1307 IN ONE DAY.

Take a look at this screenshot when I did just that recently as a way of proof.

(You can hover over the images to increase their size…)

Now I have to be honest, that was a particularly good day, and we can’t expect to get these results all the time.

But there are plenty of days when I make several hundreds of pounds in less than 24 hours.

For example, here’s another result from a different account where I made just over £446 by mid-afternoon!

And one where I made over £250 in less than 6 hours!

I know it sounds crazy but the ‘work’ I actually did to receive these pay-outs literally took me minutes.

And I do it regularly.

It’s something you could easily do too.

There’s no big secret.

All you do is let your trading bank build up a bit and just use a bigger ‘pot’ when you carry out my ‘idiot proof’ instructions.

Here’s another typical result to show you what I mean…

This one was actually just north of £813 over a two day period, but still not to be sniffed at is it?!

Point is these pay-outs aren’t just flukes.

They’re EASILY achievable once you start building your bank and using it to help yourself to much BIGGER gains over and over again.

Oh, and by the way…

Just to be clear, these aren’t ‘doctored’ or ‘photoshopped’ images to make them look better than they are, these are absolutely genuine.

As you can see, simply by letting your pot build and doing what I do consistently, you could REALISTICALLY be sitting on not just an extra £200 to £300 a month

BUT A STAGGERING £2,000 to £3,000!!

However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

This is about making EASY tax-free gains… at whatever level you’re comfortable with.

It’s about REALIABLY putting money ‘in your pocket’ every month…

Money that’s available for you to actually spend!

And before you ask…

I guarantee you’ll have never seen anything like it before…

Nor will you probably ever come across anything like it again that can give you such a simple and solid way of making at least £200 to £300 extra ‘pocket money’ a month…

… and maybe an extra £2,000 to £3,000 a month if you’ve got the desire to do it in the way I do!!

Seriously when you see how easily these tax-free profits can be lining your pockets…

... you're going to be 'chomping at the bit' to receive these alerts because you'll know that you'll be missing out on easy money if you don't!

Ok, the reason I can offer you this fantastic system is because of three things that, used together make my new modified Horse Race ‘Hedging’ System the ultimate NO-BRAINER if you’re looking for a RELIABLE way to make a decent amount of extra cash!

The first is because of something I found not long ago as I was going through some old papers sitting on my desk.

A while back I’d scribbled down some notes about identifying specific horse races where a significant edge could be obtained because they met a certain criteria.

Now at the time I didn’t give these notes much more thought until one day I happened to be pondering the success of my football trading strategies…

… and more importantly, how fundamentally it boils down to a similar concept.

It’s the specific match criteria that’s the key to making them work!

Well, this got me thinking…

If I could apply similar techniques to the horses what was to stop me achieving similar success?

Long story short…

I dug out my notes and started doing a bit of testing.

I literally went through everything I’d written down…

I used information about the horses, trainers, riders, weather, courses, form, etc, not only with races that were still to be run…

… but also, by cross checking everything with historical races for the previous six months.

Want to know how it went?

Well at first my little dabbles did ok.

But they were nothing to write home about.

However, anyone who knows me knows that I’m like a dog with a bone when it comes to finding new ways to make a reliable profit from sporting markets and one thing was for sure…

I could see enough potential to keep at it.

It’s a good job I did, and as you’ll see in a moment, it’s a good job for you too because after testing, tweaking, refining and more testing I found that I’d identified 27 different points that I could check for any given race…

… and if they satisfied a certain criteria, it gave me an extremely reliable indication of which horses were most likely to win.

It was incredibly exciting, and I was convinced that I’d discovered the ‘Holy Grail’ of horse race betting.

Unfortunately, there was a ‘fly in the ointment’!

Basically, it was taking me far too long to manually cross-check the various races with my 27 point criteria to find the trades that this would work with and clearly, as it stood, it just wasn’t going to be a viable way of making EASY extra money.

Bottom line…

If I wanted to continue with it, I knew I had to find another way to automate the whole selection process.

Which is exactly what I did!

Fortunately, I happen to know an excellent computer guy and when I showed him what I’d come up with, he jumped at the chance to develop what I now refer to as my Automated Trading Bot or ATB for short!!

The ATB is a piece of software that literally goes through all the scheduled races and AUTOMATICALLY applies my 27-point criteria.

It then identifies all the likely winners from specific races that match the criteria and lists everything for me, pretty much at the touch of a button.

In other words, what used to take me hours every evening, I can now do in seconds!

It was a massive breakthrough, in fact, when I started using the software, my strike rate actually went up!

Of course, this was obvious when you think about it. Whereas I might have overlooked the odd selection when I was doing everything manually, the computer programme doesn’t suffer from human error and so predicts EVERYTHING that much more accurately.

Ok, so one particular benefit of the software is that it isn’t just one horse that’s revealed, but usually at least three or four – sometimes even more!

And this is where it gets really interesting.

Not only does the software predict which horses are most likely to win a race but we can actually make money from them if they don't win!!!

Yes, you did read that right.

Let me briefly explain….we can identify in certain races opportunities to lay at much lower odds than normal the second favourites, which has a much higher chance of success.

In fact, this brings me nicely on to the second service that makes all this even better for my members.

You see I’ve got a secret weapon…

Let me introduce you to him (well sort of) my cousin Pete.

Long story short, I was able to help him with my football trading and lucky enough he has been very successful on the horses and after discussion about the horses…

… we struck up a deal that was equally beneficial for both of us!

You see Pete is an expert in something that perfectly complements my 27-point check list.

I should point out that he is also one of the tops ‘lay’ bettors in the country, possibly even the world, literally making thousands of pounds a week from effectively betting on horses that WON’T win!

“What’s the point in that?!” you might ask.

Bear with me because when you think about it, placing a 'lay' bet in the right circumstances, is the ultimate hedge!

A quick lesson on betting types for those who don’t know!

There are basically 2 types of bets. A ‘back’ bet and a ‘lay’ bet.

A ‘back’ bet (backing) is where you’re saying that something WILL happen. When you back a horse to win for example, you’re saying that it WILL win. If the race is run and your horse goes on to win, you win and you get paid. However, if any of the other horses win, you lose the bet.

However, if you place a ‘lay’ bet (laying), you’re saying that something WON’T happen. So in our example, if you lay a horse, you’re saying it WON’T win. In other words, if ANY of the other horses in the race win, then your lay bet also wins and you get paid. You only lose if your horse unfortunately goes on to actually win the race!

It might sound a little complicated if you’re not familiar with the concept but once you get your head around it, it’s really simple!

As you can see, placing a lay bet has the potential to get paid from many more outcomes of a race than just one particular horse winning.

In other words, you’re effectively hedging your bet because essentially, you’re backing ANY of the other horses in a race!

Ok, back to Pete.

Since 2005 he’s made it his business to go to the races, spending most of his time at the track virtually every week.

Now as part of ‘the scene’, he’s got to know all the jockeys, trainers, stable hands, etc etc and in doing so he’s built up a huge network of contacts who are able to give him genuine ‘inside information’ that is bang up to date for any particular race.

And what does he do with that information?

He uses it to place bets on horses!

I know it sounds crazy but once you know what’s going on, it makes perfect sense.

You see by focusing on laying good horses that he knows won’t win, he’s been able to earn many hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years!

However, he provides us with horses that might well win or come into each way positions that our members can also benefit from.

This is completely the opposite to what most punters do!

The thing is, fundamentally there’s a problem with lay betting for most people because unless the odds are very low, there’s a risk of losing too much money if the bet goes against you.

What it comes down to is this.

The only way to get odds low enough to make this type of bet profitable or viable is to lay horses that ‘on paper’ have a good chance of winning (but remember you’re saying they won’t win), because most punters will be backing them to win (which therefore lowers the odds).

But this is where Pete’s inside information kicks in.

Basically, by having insider knowledge of when favoured horses that would normally be very likely to win, probably won’t win because of reasons that are not generally revealed to the betting punters (it might be because the horse was ‘spooked’ that morning, or a jockey was a bit under the weather for example) …

… he’s able to cash in on odds movements that would otherwise be unavailable!

By the way, just in case you’re wondering…

Although the horse racing world is full of questionable practices and Pete has explained to me that there are things that go on to stop the ‘favourites’ or favoured horses winning, there’s absolutely nothing illegal or dodgy about what he does.

He’s simply taking advantage of his KNOWLEDGE about it!

This is how he’s able to get profitable bets on at the best prices and use these to make a fantastic income by betting that they either WON’T win or they might win or get placed.

Clever eh?

So, what’s this all got to do with my 27 point ATB?

Well, the thing is, as you probably know I’ve never considered what I do to be gambling.

I’m a trader and traders make money by having an edge.

And that’s EXACTLY what happens when I combine Pete’s information with the results I get from my software…

A true, tried and tested, razor sharp edge!!!!

Quite simply I’ve ‘teamed up’ with him so that IF he has insider information on any of the horses selected by my ATB…

We can place a relevant bet to cash in on his knowledge.

In other words…


It works like this.

Each time I run the ATB software, I give the list of horses it selects that are most likely to win.

If he confirms that any of the selections should theoretically win, but because of his insider information he knows they’re very unlikely to…

… then we can place a potentially VERY profitable lay bet at very favourable odds!

It also means that there’s very minimal risk if the bet goes against us.

It’s brilliant!

On the other hand, if his inside information confirms that any of the selected horses are good and DO have a very good chance of winning…

… we can place a very profitable back bet!

Of course, there are times when Pete doesn’t have any particular information about the horses the ATB selects.

Although his network is huge, there are simply too many races for him to know absolutely everything there is to know about every horse at every race so if he has no knowledge of the selected horses…

… we don’t place any bets at all.

It’s that simple.

It's also an incredibly effective way of ensuring that we only end up betting on races that are LIKELY to make us money!

By the way, there are times when his insider information gives us other benefits too.

For example, occasionally he’ll let me know about a horse which isn’t ranked but is highly likely to actually win!

This is usually because he knows something about it that most punters don’t, which presents us with an outstanding opportunity to place a back bet and take advantage of higher odds because most people don’t think it will win!

Now don’t worry if this is all sounds a little confusing.

If you’ve never done anything like this before it can seem like there’s a lot, you need to know but in reality you don’t really need to understand any of it.

All you’ll be doing is following ridiculously simple, ‘idiot proof’ instructions.

And for that you could be pocketing an extra £200 to £300 a month in no time which can EASILY grow to £2,000 to £3,000 a month!

So now you’re probably wondering about the third thing?

Well, essentially that comes down to that simple calculation I told you about at the start of this letter.

The combination of my software and Pete’s inside information means that my new modified Horse Race Hedging System is like an unstoppable machine.

However, as with all systems, occasionally things don’t go according to plan and every now and again the odd bet goes against us.

THE EDGE REVEALED: The core principle that enables you to consistently pump at least £200 to £300 extra a month (and that's just for starters) into your bank account where other systems fail!

You see, in order to trade successfully you need to set up a trading bank to get you going.

When the time comes it’s up to you how much you put in but if you want to take this seriously, I’d recommend starting with at least £300 if at all possible, to get you up and running (the more you can put in the better although you could start with just £100 and let it build up).

But here’s the thing…

By dividing your trading bank into 24 parts and then considering the answer value as a point (for example, a £300 bank divided by 24 = £12.50 … so 1 point = £12.50), we can use a very clever staking plan to ALWAYS recover any losses!!

Now of course I’m not going to reveal EXACTLY how it works here but by using a point based staking plan and placing bets in a certain way, we always know we can continue to build the bank regardless of the occasional times when things don’t go our way!

Just think…

We already know that the ‘smaller’ pay-outs that we’re talking about can EASILY add up to an extra £200 to £300 tax-free a month, in your pocket to actually spend.

This in itself is great and can make a fantastic difference to how you live your daily life.

But if you don’t take this money (not straight away anyway) and you let it build up a bit, so you have a bigger ‘pot’ to play with when following my system…

… by using a carefully calculated staking plan and a clever bit of ‘compounding’ (which I’ll show you) …

That £200 to £300 extra a month could easily be made IN A DAY!!!

In fact, it can be significantly more than that.

That’s how I made over £1,307 in a single dayover £455 on another and over £813 in just two days and so on!

Bottom line is, let the pot run, build the bank and you could easily be bringing in an extra £2,000 to £3,000 a month for what STILL amounts to just a few minutes ‘work’ a day!!

It’s so simple.

What’s even more amazing is how reliable it is!

The ATB has transformed my 27 point criteria so that there are now so many opportunities to profit and combining it with Joe’s inside information to confirm the selections and using these with an extremely clever points based staking plan…

… there’s nothing else like it available!

Which is why I’m now in a position to share my new system so that you can copy EXACTLY what I do and CONSISTENTLY make at least £200 to £300 extra income each month (and much much more if you let your trading bank build up a bit) – all for virtually zero effort.

Just think…

Days, weeks, months, even years from now you could have your very own 'cash cow' producing at least £200 to £300 a month profit, which could just as easily become £2,000 to £3,000 a month if you let your profits build up!

It’s just so exciting.

Now I know I keep ‘banging on’ about how easy this is…

Well let me show you how idiot proof I’m talking about.

In the alerts that I send out, I will literally tell you which horse to back, or lay and how many points to bet on it.

You just place the bet for the points stake I tell you and that’s it, all done!!

It just could not be easier!

Candy from a baby as they say!

Seriously, take a discounted trial today to see what I’m talking about and to PROVE how exciting this is.

Remember you’ll be getting…

  • All the selections…
  • All the ‘idiot proof’ instructions emailed to you (or messaged via Telegram) for you to simply copy…
  • And I forgot to mention that you’ll also get full support and help if you’re not quite sure about anything (not that you should need it because it’s so easy).

Ok so…

Obviously, you’d expect a system that can reliably bring in at least £200 to £300 a month to be worth quite a bit.

A system that could bring in £2,000 to £3,000 a month, by my reckoning could easily be worth thousands of pounds, possibly even tens of thousands of pounds!

What’s on offer here is effectively both.

How much you make depends entirely on how you decide to use the profits as they come in.

If you’re happy with just making a few hundred quid extra to actually spend each month that’s absolutely fine.

This system could easily give you that.

On the other hand if you’re looking to earn a serious income from it, and I’m talking an extra £2,000 to £3,000 a month

Then the system can give you that too.

Either way, you’ll get instant access to the whole system and the ongoing selections along with idiot proof instructions all for the low monthly investment of just £49.

Compare that to any other investment on the market these days and I think you’ll agree there’s very little that can match that.

Oh, and just so you know.

There’s no contract or minimum period.

You’re not going to be locked in or tied to anything that’s going take your money and deliver nothing in return.

You’ll simply be paying a flat monthly fee for all the information that can easily make you at least £200 to £300 a month tax-free and considerably more depending on how you use it…

… but you can stop at any time if you feel you’re not getting value from this offer.

I hope you can see that this is a really fair deal.

Get instant access to my BRAND NEW Horse Race Hedging System and today you only pay £44.99!

Look, I know that some opportunities can seem too good to be true and you may well be thinking that this is one of them.

Which is why I want to PROVE to you that this is nothing like that at all.

I really am putting my money where my mouth is here and offering you a genuine chance to try it out for yourself at a heavily discounted rate.

Basically, you’re getting a full 25% off the first month!

Click on the link below where you’ll be taken to the secure payment page. Here you’ll be able to sign up and get absolutely EVERYTHING.

You’ll see that you when you’re asked to sign up, your first payment will be £44.99

After that, in 30 days’ time you’ll be charged just £59.99 per month but if you decide for any reason that you don’t wish to continue with the system, that’s fine, just cancel your payments.

Please change this to the wording in the payment links below to say the new version below.
CLICK HERE to try out Tony Langley’s BRAND NEW Horse Racing Hedge System with 25% OFF TRIAL for first month!!

After that, in 30 days’ time you’ll be charged just £49 per month but if you decide for any reason that you don’t wish to continue with the system, that’s fine, just cancel your payments.

No hassle, No harm and No hard feelings!

It couldn’t be easier.

Try it out today.

As I said, you can even ‘paper trade’ if you want to without betting any money at all.

Alternatively, if you want to start making real money straight away, there’s nothing stopping you and you should easily be able to cover next month’s payment with your first month’s winnings!

It really is the ultimate NO BRAINER!

Follow the on-screen instructions right now and you’ll receive the very next alert as soon as it becomes available, which should be any time soon.

Don’t forget, I send these emails and alerts out on most days.

Sometimes you might get two and occasionally even three.

When you think that each one of these could easily be worth anything from a few pounds to potentially hundreds of pounds, all from doing something so ridiculously simple that takes on average less than a minute to do…

Well, you really don’t want to miss out on this!

Remember, you don’t have to wait.

You can get INSTANT ACCESS right now.

  • Within minutes you could be registered and ready to receive the next alert as soon as it becomes available.
  • By next month you could easily be at least £200 to £300 better off!
  • If you stick with it and follow my staking plan you should at least be £200 to £300 better off EVERY month thereafter.
  • And if you want to take it to the next level that could easily become £2,000 to £3,000 a month…

All for a low monthly investment!

I wouldn’t waste a moment longer.

Click on the link right now to get started immediately.

Kind regards

Tony Langley
Horse Race Hedging System

P.S. Don’t forget, this could be the easiest money you ever make in your life.

There’s very little to do. It’s no more than point and click, copy this, do that and on average it takes less than a minute to carry out the ‘idiot proof’ instructions which are sent to you by email (or Telegram Messenger if you’d prefer), once or twice a day!

P.P.S. For less than you’d pay for a daily cup of Starbuck’s coffee you could be pocketing at least £200 to £300 extra to actually spend each month. Let your profits build up and that could go up to £2,000 to £3,000 a month!! But whereas a Starbuck’s coffee will be gone forever once you’ve drunk it, for less money my new Horse Racing Hedge System can continue to give you a fantastic additional extra income for many years to come.


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