About Me

Who we are

About Me – Tony Langley

I am an ordinary bloke apart from the fact that I did love my job, as I worked for a petrol company called Shell International for over 20 years and I was lucky enough to look forward to going to work every day.

However, things do change over time and in the end, I wanted to leave, which I did on the 30th November 2016, although this was only possible due to what I had created for myself as a football trader using my strategies/methods that I had created and used since 2010 allowing me to pay off my mortgage & debts.

Transition to Full-Time Football Trader

However, things do change over time and in the end, I wanted to leave, which I did on the 30th November 2016, although this was only possible due to what I had created for myself as a football trader using my strategies/methods that I had created and used since 2010 allowing me to pay off my mortgage & debts.

This meant that I became a fulltime trader and I now make more money than when I worked for around 60 to 70 hours per week, although my hours now are more like 8 to 10 hours per week trading on average.

I think like lots of people back in the early days I was always looking for a way of making additional income from home in case what was happening to lots of people at that time i.e. the dreaded “redundancy” word was to come about then I had something else I could do to pay my bills and feed my family. 

I had tried a few different things spending lots of money and nothing worked, as I was just believing that these people selling me these products were being honest with me, which was obviously not the case. Then I came across this site called Betfair, which I found very interesting, and is what led me into looking at football trading.

Then I came across a couple of traders and I bought a couple of methods, although the one thing that always bothered me was the fact that if a trade did not work out, I had to cash out for a loss, but as I had more wins than losses I profit over the longer term and of course time is always a factor as well. 

Now in my main job when I worked full time part of what I did was to manage risks and how to mitigate against them along with working on strategy, so what I started to do is apply this to my trading to try to come up with a way of hedging my positions so that I was going to either make a profit or at worse break even.

This would change the whole way I traded and of course the positive effect on my bank, as instead of the ups and downs that most traders see I did not have the downs as I was recovering to either profit or breakeven. 

There is truly nothing special about me at all as I am just an ordinary guy who had stumbled across a way of trading that managed the risk and this has allowed me to have in effect a profit machine that I can draw from whenever I want to and makes me some great profits.

My ambition is to help as many people as I can either learn to trade my football strategies either live trading with me or through my strategies or use my selections services to help them make some regular income.