Are you spending time working for peanuts just to pick up some badly needed cash?
Or perhaps you’ve dreamed of hitting the lottery and what you’d do with all those Millions… You may even buy tickets regularly. How has that worked out for you? Have you won enough to break even yet? Maybe you are lucky and are up a few extra quid.
Deep down, you know that the odds are NOT in your favour, and you probably won’t snag the big jackpot.
But you keep trying because what choice have you got, right?
But what if you had a system that gives you an edge so that you could consistently rake in a few thousand quid?
Unfortunately, no matter what these clever marketing salesmen say, there is no secret system to winning the lottery. But there is another way to consistently win over the long-term.
Believe it or not, placing a football bet or bets on the Betting Exchanges can be consistently profitable… when the right process is correctly executed. All you need to do is stack the odds in your favour.
Most fans gamble based on emotions (team favourites), take a punt on unpredictable results, or play the long shots (which is as bad as playing the lottery). But if you decide to focus on profitability and statistical advantages rather than emotions, you can dramatically increase your earning potential.
This system is based on the idea that you can win over the longer term.
The key is to scientifically limit your risk, so that at worst, over a monthly period even with losing bets, you make a profit…and that is why this is such an exciting system.
Because of the ever-evolving way punters place their bets, we have discovered a way to calculate the best market and odds to produce the consistent results we need to profit.
By instituting our safety mechanism which offsets the risk against each market, it becomes possible to limit your risk and increase your profit potential at the same time.
That is just one of the advantages of this system. Here are some additional key points to consider as well.
You can start small. You don’t need to be wealthy to begin growing wealth. Just £300 is enough to get you started in the world of football trading.
Learn by following the creator. If you have some time to invest and can operate a computer or indeed phone, then you can learn how to correctly execute this our Place n Leave betting strategy.
Anyone can use this system. You are not required to have any specific knowledge. You don’t even need to make any decisions about when or what to trade.
Don’t like football? Don’t worry about it. This is a system of trading where the focus is more on the statistics than the game itself.
Of course, you can still trade matches even if you are a passionate supporter.
Betting exchanges have changed how people place bets. Instead of betting against a bookmaker, they are now betting against each other.
Betting against a bookmaker and hoping you will win is crazy. That’s like betting against the house in a casino and we all know the odds are always in their favour. When you bet with a bookmaker there is always the bookie’s cut (sometimes called the overround) and it always eats away at your potential profit.
In the old days the stock market worked much the same as with expensive broker’s commissions. The little guy didn’t stand a chance. But then along came “discount brokers” and commissions dropped giving the small investor an opportunity. And now the same thing is happening with betting exchanges.
Our system takes advantage of the structure of the betting exchanges to dramatically reduce the risk of each transaction. You can bet on who will win a specific game or who will not win it – since in football, a draw is possible… You can bet on the exact score at the half, at full-time, or both… You can bet on who will score the first goal… You can even bet on whether the result will be over or under a specific number of goals.
Albert Einstein once said, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.”
In the stock market earning 10% a year is considered a good rate of compounding. But, imagine if you could actually double your bank every month. When you trade you look to make just 3% on your bank each day and if you did this for 24 days in the month.
What would happen?
Suppose you start with only £300.
Of course, there are limits to the size bets you can make, and you probably wouldn’t want to risk it all every month anyway but… even if you start with only £300 and reinvest your winnings for just a couple of months… you could still make a nice chunk of change every month after that.
Suppose after month 3 you used your £2,556 as working capital and took all your extra profits out. Would an extra £3,000 a month make a change in your lifestyle? (Although there is no guarantee that you will be profitable, remember this is based on our WORST month of actual performance.)
Get 20+ (up to 40) selections in your Inbox every month depending on the time of year.
Daily updates on selection times.
Selections by email & Telegram private group.
Videos plus screenshots showing you what to do.
Have a burning question? Just email tradingbriefing@gmail.com to get your questions answered.
I am trying to offer something of great value to anyone willing to take time to just follow simple bets consistently at reasonable times and days.
This excellent service is available for a monthly recurring subscription of only £69.99
I am not going to use a load of marketing flannel on why you should take this up, or promise that you’ll instantly become a millionaire, but if you have been lucky enough to somehow find your way to this website then my advice is think carefully about this opportunity before leaving or at least sign up for the monthly newsletter.
Please understand that we do not always have availability for people to join, as these places do get snapped up very quickly. So, if you want in, you should act now.
It’s just £69.99 each month with the option to cancel at any time you want…plus you are placing simple bets with all the work done for you….It’s Worth Every Penny
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